These shorts are part of my SWAP. It's funny. When I make these SWAPs, I usually whip up some tops quickly and then am stuck making all my bottoms last. Well, I only have one and a half bottoms to go this time (one is a super easy pair of leggings), and I've only made one top so far.
Stylistic aside: Two pairs of my boots recently were laid to rest - one pair due to cat urine... grrrrrr, and one just ripped apart at the side after 7 years of wear. The peed-on pair were my dark brown boots, which I would have preferred with the dark tights. I actually changed into some brown flats after the pictures. I don't really like how the light boots with the rest of the outfit. ANYWAY...
This pattern has a mock fly, which worked out fine, especially since I lined the shorts due to the scratchy wool. If I make this pattern again for unlined summer shorts, I'll make a true fly opening to finish the zipper nicely.
My only complaint (and it's more because of me than the pattern) is they are a bit too small and you can see some pull lines at the sides. My measurements have me between a size 12 and 14. However, I almost always make a 10. I prefer the ease and fit when I make a 10. So, I blindly cut a 10 on these, only taking a quick look at the finished hip measurement first. Well, I couldn't even get the waistband shut on the 10, so I recut one a few inches longer. The rest of the shorts fit ok (if a smidge snug), but the waistband was nowhere close. The top edge was supposed to be be eased in to the waistband (but they'd have to be almost "gathered" to that little waistband. Mine really have no easing into the larger waistband. They are totally flat. (make any sense) So, I guess if I'd started with a size 14, I'd be fine, but then the shorts may have been pretty baggy.
Also, these shorts are a bit higher rise than I prefer. You can see here, they come up to my belly button, almost at my true waist. I probably won't wear anything tucked in the waistband with this fit, which is a shame, because the waistband and belt loops came out nice! :-)
Here you can see the front and zipper better. I just loooove this beautiful wool fabric from Sawyer Brook (bought several years ago, so now sold out).
Here's the back. You can see one dart on each side. One final, minor change I'd make on another pair - add a welt pocket or two on the back. I just think back pockets make shorts look a little nicer and more expensive. Maybe that's just me. :-)
Pattern Review is here.
Those are so stylish and cute!!! I love the outfit you wore with them.
That's a great outfit! The colors are very nice with your hair color. I love the idea of winter shorts; not sure I'd wear them here, but they're probably perfect for Florida!
I love these shorts on you! It's a really comfortable and versatile winter alternative. You look great.
Cute! I'd almost wear them with nude tights and heels if I were adventuresome and had your legs- and I like the flat-front look much better than anything gathered. They'll work well in the fall too... You're off to a great start!
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