Again, the pattern I'm using is Marfy 1414.

Here are my first pictures, before sleeves, collar, and details. I tried it on over a heavy sweater, the heaviest I would wear with this coat. The only thing I want to change is to close the slits in back to the bottom of my derriere. I think they look a bit high as is. I was happy with the overall fit, so I finished the muslin.
I like the collar and pocket placement. The collar will have more body and stand up in the coating fabric with interfacing. I already added three inches onto the sleeve pattern for my freakishly long arms, but I will add another for the final pattern to be safe. The back belt looks a bit high for me. I will put it an inch or two lower on the final garment.
Finally, the sleeves... I put in my right sleeve first and it was so tight I couldn't get my arm through with the sweater on. I also did a crummy job of setting in the sleeve cap. I put too much ease too far down. For the left sleeve, I left the sleeve cap seam allowance out another inch and put the ease in the top of the shoulder. I also left out the two long sleeve seams to 5/8 inch instead of the original 1 inch. This made the sleeve fit me and the coat much better. What do you think? My left sleeve is the fixed version and the right sleeve is the poorly-fitting one.
Finally, I didn't hem the coat or the sleeves on the muslin.