Sunday, May 11, 2014

Simplicity 2245

Oh I can be such a doofus!  I've been sewing for months for the Sewing With a Plan contest (SWAP) at Stitcher's Guild, and I finished on time... but I totally spaced out and missed the deadline to get photos in yesterday.  So frustrated with myself.  Oh well, at least I have some great new things.

ANYWAY, moving on.  I have to catch up on showing my me-made photos, but trust I have still been participating.  For now, I'll show something brand new, finished up just yesterday - Simplicity 2245, which is apparently so out-of-print that it isn't on the Simplicity website anymore.
Now, I have mixed feelings about this.  I fear that it won't be very popular.  It has a distinct whiff of muumuu.  However, the fabric is so pretty, and it fits well, and the pockets are just so handy for toting around my iPod that I am in love.
The height of fashion?  No.  Not even with the cute little star buttons which probably push it into twee-town.
But goodness help me, I just like it.  Is it super "becky-home ec-y"?  Do I care?  I tried it with a couple different pairs of leggings, but I like it best with some white shorts just peeking out the bottom.  Hubs thinks it is super retro... like 1950s housewife housedress.  Not his least favorite thing I've made but not his most favorite either.
Do the pockets make it look like a nurse's smock?  I can't decide.  Again, though, I can't be bothered to get too worked up about it either way.  Maybe if I'd made the yoke and cuffs from the same fabric as the body, it would look more conventional?  I don't know.  Practicality wins me over either way.  I just am in love with these big pockets.
I know using a quilting cotton for a garment is the ultimate faux pas for some seamstresses, but I just can't get worked up about it.  I know this is not the latest thing from a catwalk, but I just don't care.  The fabric makes me happy.  I just hope I'm not a walking billboard for "why not to sew your own clothes."  :-)
Oh, the fabric is by Moda.


  1. I love that fabric and I can totally understand wanting to sew with quilting cotton (and I do!). I think these tunic tops are a recurring trend, so I wouldn't worry about fashion. Maybe pile on a bit of jewelry/accessories if you worry about smock-ness? I wouldn't worry anyway. You sew to please yourself, don't you? So there ;-) !

  2. Thank you, Uta! Yes, we sew to please ourselves. Well said. :-)

  3. It looks so comfy and much better than many of the "comfy things" I wear around the house when no one is looking. ;)

    Happy Mother's Day. :)

  4. Sew what makes you happy! That should be the rule... I have never understood the "thou shalt not use quilting fabric in clothing" rule - they have the best prints and some super quality cottons!
