Thursday, May 3, 2012

A sad evening

I'm in the midst of a disastrous yogawear sewing disaster (yes - double disaster).  Sad.  :-(  The pants are coming out ok, but the tank top is a hot mess.  Just thought I'd share.


  1. Oh, my, yes, the frustrations of things not working out the way we want them to work out. We win some, we lose some. The ones we lose can be real downers. But, tomorrow it will all be better and bring with it another change to make something else and make it better. :)


  2. That's tough fabric to work with. Good luck!

  3. That's ok! Knits are my favorite to work with, but sometimes, it is really hard to get a difficult fabric to work with you. Don't worry, it's not you, blame the fabric!
