Friday, March 23, 2012

Off the Fabric Wagon

Yep, I fell off the wagon with my self-imposed NO MORE FABRIC rule (except emergencies, of course!).  I had successfully been avoiding unsepeakable temptations every time I opened my email box, and then I went to JoAnn's today for some buttons.  I came home with these cotton lawn cuties.

for a loose, flowy top for fast-approaching summer

for a loose, flowy dress for same summer

probably a good thing I didn't see this at my store, or it would be with me as well, destined to become the cutest (most likely age-inappropriate) skirt ever.

I do now have three (yes, three) completed pojects to show off as soon as I get in a photo shoot - this, this, and a knitted sweater rescued from the UFO pile!


  1. Well, aren't you an overachiever! Three FO's - I'm jealous! I can't wait to see them.

  2. I completely understand. After all these fabrics were irrestible.

  3. I hope you bought the fabric. Totally worth it!!
