Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Debbie Bliss Wristwarmers

I've been away a few weeks, yes.  Nastly influenza, trying to catch up with Christmas, tiptoeing by my 30th birthday (shhh) and thoroughly enjoying a holiday visit by my parents, and December was wiped! 

With the illness in December, I didn't get finished nearly as much Christmas sewing as I would have liked.  I just packed away the half-finished advent calendar and pajama fabrics for next year and refused to beat myself up about it. 

I do have a little something to show you that I've already worn through much of December.
I am totally hooked on fingerless gloves!  I wear them around in the morning and evening when typing on the computer or sewing.  I wear them while driving if there's the slightest nip in the air (anything under 65 degrees now that I've acclimated to Tampa). 

 The pattern is Debbie Bliss #1 Wristwarmers, published in Debbie Bliss Magazine, Fall/Winter 2011.  I'm pretty sure this is the fastest I've knit something after buying the pattern.  It's on Ravelry here.  I did most of the knitting on my vacation back in October.  Despite the fair isle pattern, they are a quick knit, and did I mention sooooo cozy?

I decided to elevate them from keyboard accessory to fashion statement today and so wore them with jeans, a black sweater and black boots.

You'll notice I didn't go to the trouble of analyzing last year's output or even setting goals for myself.  I have something in the works that I'm very excited about, and that's my New Year plan.  Hopefully I'll tell all within a week.


  1. The gloves are really cute and so useful! Sorry to hear you were ill. My Honey was pretty sick in December, too, but I dodged that bullet somehow.

  2. Very cute and slightly more practical than my wool socks in AZ. I'm glad you're feeling better, finally! Those boys and puppy must've had the run of the house for quite a while.

  3. So cute with the black and the jeans! Well done. :)
