Friday, April 1, 2011

Jeudi de Jardinage

Welcome to Jeudi de Jardinage (Gardening Thursday)... yes, I know it's Friday, but we had tornadoes and stuff yesterday, so forgive this unceremonious beginning. I've been hard at work in my new garden here in Florida, so I thought I'd spend a post on Thursdays (maybe not EVERY Thursday) posting a little update of my Florida gardening learning curve.

This the beginning of a border bed by the backyard fence. That daisy bush is not doing very well thanks to over-harvesting by two sweet boys who like to bring me flowers. For the rest of the border on the right side of the gate, I'm planting bulbs and scattering a bunch of wildflower seeds from a big bag from Lowe's all around. I was a bit skeptical how this would work, but it's only been a week since I planted this section, and there is already lots of green poking through the mulch. Now I have another stretch to dig, mulch, and pound in that edging (the boys' favorite part, of course)...

In other news, here's the progress on my Easter dress. I'm still a bit concerned about it obliterating the small curves I have, but I love all of the details and the very professional result coming from this pattern.

Plus, I'm super-proud of my zipper insertion. All of the piping matches up thanks to this tutorial by Summerset.

You put in one side, then close the zipper and mark all the match points on the other half of the zipper. The pattern has you put in one side, then close and pin the other side. Same idea, but I can see how the zipper might shift after just pinning and with no visual reference after unzipping

Also, check out my spiffy new header. I'm quite pleased with myself, even though I spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out how to make the photo smaller with no luck. Time to call in the cavalry (techie husband). This is phase one of my blog re-vamp plan.

Thanks for visiting!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny,

    I just love the new header. So bright and happy and Springy. ;) Great progress on the dress, too. The yellow is beautiful.
