Monday, November 1, 2010

2011 SWAP Rules!

The Stitcher's Guild 2011 SWAP (sewing with a plan) rules are up here.

I want to do option 1 again. No dresses.

"Option #1:
6 tops - t-shirts, shirts, blouses, or camisoles
4 bottoms - jeans, pants, shorts, skirts or kilts.
1 your choice (not an accesory)

3 garments may be purchased or previously sewn.
1 may be knitted or crocheted.

Now here's your twist:

Every garment should be made with a technique or feature that you haven't tried, or haven't mastered. My personal Waterloo is zippers -hate 'em, because I have to take them out and redo them at least once, every time. And there are several things I've sampled, but have never used on a garment -slotted seams, for one."

I know I want to make a detailed plan and stick to it this year so I love the things I make. Last year, I liked the things I sewed, and I wore most of them a lot, but most were pretty basic and unexciting. My starting point is a pair of purchased denim leggings. That should set a fun, slightly trendy tone. A couple of rough ideas:

1 choice piece - my cape I'm currently working on (previously sewn and features a new hand top stitching technique)
4 bottoms - purchased jeggings
brown tweed winter shorts
brown suede skirt (repurposed from pants)
brown leggings
6 tops - knitted cabled side-to-side sweater
top made from sweater knit material
jersey top with bound neckline
woven tunic top


  1. I have never participated in the SWAP before. I'll have to check it out, now.

  2. Sounds very hip! I need to find and SWAP with the rules "All items must be tent sized or very stretchy". Or maybe just wait for a fall SWAP at which point all my clothes will be falling off me anyway.
