Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Baby Boy

I'm still here (and still sewing a bit.  I also knit a lot of lace at the hospital).  Mark was born a week ago, May 31st.  7 pounds and 20 inches.  I'm so happy he's out and healthy.  He's such a joy - hardly cries and a great sleeper, as far as newborns go.  I really am getting more sleep now than a was that last week or two before he came.  :-)

Here's a picture taken two days ago - 5 days old.


  1. Awwww, what a cutie! Congratulations on your new little bundle. I'm glad you're getting more sleep. :)

  2. AAWWWWW what an adorable angel. I was wondering if you were off having the baby! Congratulations!

  3. What a cutie! I'm glad mom and baby are healthy and happy. Enjoy the sleepiness while it lasts!

  4. Congratulations, Jenny! He looks soo cute... AND is easy going - great news. So take it easy now and just look after yourself and the baby (and your first one...)

  5. Gorgeous! Enjoy! Glad you are both well.

  6. Congratulations! He is a gorgeous baby and you are so lucky to be getting so much sleep. I hope it stays that way for you!

  7. Congratulations on a beautiful baby boy.
    I'm amazed too that you're able to knit lace at this time. If I remember that long ago, I think my brain was a muddle right after the birth.

  8. Congratulations, he's beautiful. You're in for lots of fun....I have two boys too.

  9. Congratulations Jenny (late). I'm glad that everything has gone well. I share your happiness.

