Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where to next?

I finished the white cropped pants for my SWAP last night (hem and all), but despite being made from an opaque cotton, they have mega pocket show-thru, so I'm going to line them.  Don't have white lining, though, so I'm setting them aside.  The other option I'm kind of considering is just sewing shut and cutting off the pockets...  I don't generally like to do this (not because I use my pockets that much, but because I think it's kind of cheesy or cheating), but I am thinking about it.

So tonight, I was going to cut out my jacket for the swap.  I've seen two made versions of it (from BWOF Jan 09) and am excited to get it going.  BUT, I'm also thinking of making the handbag from BWOF Feb 09 (sorry, can't find a picture on the site) for the PR handbag contest.  I have a bunch of yellow ostrich leather, and I think the safari-style stuff is perfect for it.  Just have to see if I have enough.  I guess I'll see which I feel more like playing with tonight- the jacket or the bag.

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