Friday, October 3, 2008

Big plans

Oh my goodness, this post is way overdue.  First, I have a top that's been finished for over a week.  I've already worn it twice.  And of course, now I'm having Blogger or network issues and can't upload the pics here.  You can check out the Pattern Review.  I'll try again tomorrow.

I also have a finished skirt that I need to take pictures of.  

And finally, I organized my sewing thoughts for the month of October, and I think I have a plan I can accomplish.

1.  Finish gift jammies that I just started this week.  They're going to be super cute!
2.  Halloween costume for my little man.  He's going to be a "kitty" - his favorite word.  There is faux fur involved, so I'm not sure how easy this will be.  It's little, though, right, so how painful can it be?? (famous last words).
3.  I have a corduroy skirt idea that I want to make for the cotton pattern review contest.  I keep thinking I'll enter these and never finish in time.  Well, this is the month!  Of course, this is third on the list, so it may get bumped!  :-)
4.  I want to finish an 80% complete jacket to actually wear this fall.  It just needs the sleeves finished and the lining put in (the lining's already sewn together).
5.  I have a beautiful brown/orange-y herringbone I want to make something from sooooo badly but haven't found the perfect pattern yet.  (ok, I think we're past October sewing now.  I'm really not a quick sewer).
6.  Then there's still that coat sew-along coat!  I need to figure out what I'm doing about the shoulder pads.  The ones I put in just look too big.  Then, I just need to finish the sleeve hems and buttonholes and put in the lining and hem!

I think that's it.  It feels good to just get it all written down so I have a plan!

Pictures to come tomorrow!

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