Friday, July 27, 2007

Some kind of recent FOs

Here are some fairly recently finished objects.

This a skirt I just finished a few weeks ago. I used this Blue Sky Alpaca pattern. It's the first pattern I've followed exactly in a long time. Of course, I finished the knitting probably a year ago. Problem was that it was too loose at the top and didn't stay up well. This is definitely a problematic feature to have in a skirt. So, it went into a pile for me to sew on some elastic, and then it was put off for a long time while I was pregnant. Here it is, all finished up with the elastic at the waist.

It aint perty (the sew job on the elastic), but it gets the job done. I was too lazy to get out the sewing machine, so I hand stiched it on. This definitely took longer than it would have taken to just get out the machine.

I don't recall the yarn. I'll have to do a better job of tracking that kind of stuff. It was something I bought on but wasn't elann brand. It's some kind of wool. I really like the yarn and wish I remembered what it was. Maybe I'll stumble across an errant brown ball in a knitting drawer.

This is a top I made a long time ago with cashmere yarn that my sweet, wonderful husband (then my boyfriend) bought me for Christmas. It is so soft. The only sad part is that I ran out of yarn before I could finish the armholes as I wanted, so they pull in a bit. It's still very nice, I think. Instead of a summer top, I wear it more in the winter over a long sleeved tee, like a turtleneck vest. It's an interesting look.

This is my most recent knitting FO. That's why I remember these details: It is knit from's Baby Cashmere on size 4 needles. The two colors are starlight blue and peacock. Can't think of what other information might be good to post. I don't recall how many balls it took. There was no pattern. I just kind of made it up as I went along. I really like how the boat neck turned out. Still need to wash and block it, though.

Sorry for all of the headless shots. My wonderful husband is just learning the art of knitting blog photography. While the sweater is the main focus, it's just kind of weird to see all these bodies that should be looking at you but have no heads.

And..... gratuitous baby shot.

In closing, Thank you Thank you Thank you to Libby. She left me my very first comment and it made my day! :-)


  1. You have an adorably squishable baby!

    I know what you mean about "How many dresses do I need" - I am a stay at home mom and could probably get by with one pair of jeans, three t-shirts and a chenille bathrobe... (Gags)This does not stop me wanting little Lois Lane suits and hats. Ah, Sigh!

    (My sewing queue includes...a little Lois Lane Hat. Well, not a working day hat, but she might have worn it on Sundays...)

    And a terrific Boat Neck!

    T from Elann

  2. Beautiful baby, knitting, sewing...You are very talented!

    Marta (from Elann)

  3. Congratulations on the new blog, the new husband, the new baby (who is priceless) and all the beautiful knitting. I will look forward to visiting your blog alot!!! Grace

  4. Jenny,

    Great sweater, I'm gonna have to reconsider the Baby Silk in the future.

    Great baby pic!

