Wow, it's been a little while since I've posted. There's been so much going on lately.
I had Friday and Monday off from work, so I went on a little trip to the beach in France this weekend with the baby and a girl friend. I was really looking forward to some sunshine and relaxation with perhaps some knitting thrown in. Sadly, it was cool and drizzly and unpleasant, so instead, we spent most of the time gorging ourselves with French food. Not a total loss, then... We also went to this really awesome aquarium that had big tanks you could see sharks and fish swimming in, and it had a petting tank to feel fish and rays. Pretty cool. It would have been great if Paul were a few years older. As it is, we did get pictures of him with the sharks and by the English Channel.
I also finally got my Mommy-Mobile. We ordered a station wagon almost two months ago and it finally came. I love it!!! It's a Saab and blue (that's all the stats I really care about). I had never even ridden in a Saab before, but I really like mine. I've had it a grand total of five days and have put over 1000 miles on it (thanks to France).
Update on the knitting club: not everyone showed up who said they would come, but the three of us there had a really great time! Two of us are already knitters, and we were able to teach the third. Her three kids also wanted to learn how to knit. They're young (4, 6, and 8), so I figured rather than tell them they're too little, I'd give it a shot and thought they'd give up pretty quickly. The 8 and 6-year-olds did give up after about five minutes, but the 4-year-old kept plugging away and made probably two knit stitches in 20 minutes before throwing in the towel. :-) So cute! Baby Paul also got to play with his little baby friend who is a month younger. Of course, playing for them consisted of laying on a blanket together, kicking and poking each other, and grabbing at each others' feet.
I received a big box of yarn last week from
Elann and have made a promise to myself not to buy any more yarn until it is at least time to knit Paul a Christmas sweater (I know, that's like a month away). Anyway, I am already going to break that pact. We are going to baptize Paul when we vist the U.S. in a few weeks, and I am making him a little blanket/wrap for the church. Here's what I have completed so far:
This is Elann's Pegasus yarn - 52.5% mercerized cotton / 47.5 Viscose. So far I like the yarn and the pattern, but I only have two skeins of the color, so I need to buy more, like, now. The pattern is an adaptation of "Madli's Shawl" by Nancy Bush from Interweave Knits Magazine Summer 2004. Instead of making a long shawl, it will be square and I will knit the edging last and sew it around the edge. I hope it comes out well. The yarn is a nice light cotton and the viscose gives it a nice little shine.
I know, I know... I'm starting another new project and nothing finished to show for my labors.

Oh, and I put the straps and a lining on my tote. Just have to sew on the bottom and I'll post the directions.