Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Rustling Leaves Beret complete

Voila!  My Rustling Leaves Beret.  Not much to say since I can't find the ball band.  I used a fingering weight yarn doubled.  This was quite quick to knit considering the small needle size and lacey pattern. 

 I posted it on Ravelry here.
 I wore this around most of the day today even though the temperature reached the 70s.  A combination of getting acclimated to the warm weather and the overwhelming cuteness of this hat.  Once I tried it on, I couldn't take it off.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sweater Knit Wrap Dress in progress

Two photos from my most recent project, a wrap dress from Sawyer Brook's Carboncino.

This fabric is a light sweater knit, but it's behaving just like a beef jersey.  It's quite stable and doesn't ravel much.  It does roll a lot, though (check out that neckline facing), but I have an idea to fix that.  We'll see if it works...

One of the ties for the wrap.  This dress is on hold until I get better matching thread to do the hem and sleeve hems.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Rustling Leaves Beret

I took a boatload of photos today for this blog, my gardening blog, and Etsy.  I went to download them this evening and realized there was no memory card in the camera.  Please tell me I'm not the only one who's ever done that!  Usually I notice after the first photo or two.

Anyway, here's a little something that requires no photos.  Tonight, I put the final stitches on a hat from Coastal Knits.  I bought it at a local yarn store near my parents' house and really like the book.  The beret photo is below.  The yarn I used is a bit grayer and hand dyed.  It's really lovely.  I can't wait for it to block tomorrow!  It may not be the most practical knit for Florida, but it was quick and easy and I'm smitten.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Lacey Sweater Knit Cardi

Voila, my Karyn Cardi!  To cut it out, I morphed my TNT tee pattern with a purchased cardi I have.  It was very simple to make - the only  challenge was working with the sweater knit.  I sewed one seam at a time and quickly zig-zagged the raw edges to keep it from ravelling.
 It's been very comfortable today and is a great Florida spring cardi... yep it's spring here.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sweater Knit Cardigan

I'm back from a visit to my parents.  I had taken a bunch of photos to make some posts while I was away, but  left my camera!  I very well may not have made the posts anyway, though (I have a habit of going into total hybernation at my parents').  So here are some details of a little cardi I made with Sawyer Brook's Karyn.  It posed a challenge as the fabric is a lightweight, open sweater knit, but once we understood each other, it came together quickly.